Francesco Brunello

elisa + gabriele

torre mileto - foce varano

Anyone who knows me knows that in August I always take a short break from work.
I take time with my family in Puglia.
I love the wild nature of Foce Varano, in the Gargano.
Then I love the sound of cicadas in the morning, wake up early, breakfast on the veranda in the shade of olive trees and long walks at sunset.
And I also love to see my children grow, year after year, amazed and amazed by the sound of the sea or by finding small crabs on the shore.
Going to Puglia, for me, is like coming home.

You will already know that some of my colleagues are also my best friends and those who follow me on social networks (click here and like my Instagram page!) know that Gabriele is one of my closest friends.
One day I got a call from him.
He and Elisa would soon become parents .. but not of a child, but of two twins, a boy and a girl, the perfect couple!
Don’t imagine my face when Elisa and Gabriele gave me the news. In fact, I didn’t answer right away because my brain was already thinking about their photo session.

I had always liked the idea of ​​hosting one of my friends ‘at home’ and spending time together with our families and the idea of ​​also bringing Elisa to Puglia and taking the leap to take some photos of him by the sea at sunset, I was thrilled more and more!

Each story I decide to tell must speak exactly of you, of who you are.

Do you remember Shady and Erika or Alberto and Sabrina?

Today I want to tell you about Gabriele and Elisa’s maternity photo shoot.

What do you think is love? I believe that Gabriele and Elisa represent love very well and I can’t wait to see their entire family!

For info on your maternity photo shoot, write me!

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